Informe sobre el transporte marítimo 2021: aspecto general
the pandemic and economies rebound, port operations find themselves under the spotlight. The backlog at containe...
Digitalising port operations with 5G connectivity
This publication is one out of DNV’s suite of Energy Transition Outlook (ETO) reports. This latest Maritime For...
Maritime Forecast to 2050
In 2020, we kicked off a three-part series on data strategy, starting with Part 1, Data Management is Fundam...
Esta edición de Perspectivas del Comercio Internacional de América Latina y el Caribe corresponde a 2021 y tien...
Perspectivas del Comercio Internacional de América Latina y el Caribe
El objetivo de esta investigación es medir la percepción que tienen los ciudadanos sobre el puerto del Callao. E...
Estudio descriptivo sobre la Relación ciudad puerto, Caso del Puerto del Callao
Serious about sustainability
“Our concept design is for an offshore facility partnering advanced nuclear power with an offshore ammonia produ...
Core Power proposes floating atomic offshore green ammonia production
Most port operators recognise that digitalisation is going to transform the way ports work. But where to start o...
Digital transformation depends on effective implementation of intelligent systems
As of mid-December 2021, there were some 101 ships waiting for berth space at the Port of Los Angeles and Long B...
Increasing container dwell: addressing the challenge of high yard utilisation
Admiral Michael S. Rogers, a former director of the National Security Agency said: “The second component of cybe...
The prevention paradox - why ports can’t rely on cyber defenses and what to do about it
Since the 1980s, Asean Bintulu Fertilizer (ABF), a subsidiary of the leading Chemical manufacturer in Southeast...
Perfect timing
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