When it comes to Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology and assessing OCR or Optical Feature Recognition...
Terminal automation through OCR and OFR
Ponencia presentada ante el encuentro “Las Tecnologías Exponenciales y su Impacto en los Puertos y sus Cadenas L...
Las tecnologías exponenciales y su impacto en los puertos y sus cadenas logísticas
El sector transporte está atravesando una transformación no vista desde la invención del automóvil o del avión, ...
Impulsando la transformación digital del transporte en América Latina y el Caribe
Kalmar's Timo Alho and Jason Gasparik discuss the practical steps towards eco-efficient operations for container...
Practical steps towards eco-efficient container handling
The Deloitte New Zealand Ports and Freight Yearbook provides a concise snapshot of domestic port and freight ac...
Building resilience through disruption
ABSTRACT: Rising prices and reports of empty shelves in major economies have drawn attention to the functioning ...
Supply Chains and Port Congestion Around the World
This article investigates economic and operational efects of introducing autonomous vessels to liner shipping ne...
Insights on the introduction of autonomous vessels to liner shipping networks
With the COVID-19 outbreak hitting the world, the frequency and severity of port congestion caused by various fa...
Risk Assessment of Port Congestion Risk during the COVID-19 Pandemic
This study investigates the ways the adoption of a series of digital technologies impact shipping firms’ efficie...
Digital adoption and efficiency in the maritime industry
When the cold chain broken down during transport and storage in the ports, the humidity, nutrition, temperature ...
Internet of Things enabled real time cold chain monitoring in a container port
Tendencias en logística de comercio exterior, según la visión de los propios operadores Revista mensual. Llega a...
En consonancia con sus objetivos, el VI Encuentro Latinoamericano y Caribeño de Comunidades Logísticas Portuaria...
Informe final del VI Encuentro Latinoamericano y Caribeño de Comunidades Logísticas Por...
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