Port competitiveness more than ever has to be considered from a chain perspective: not only what happens inside...
Port competitiveness now and in the future: What are the issues and challenges?
Early 2020, the unaware pessimists were predicting total collapse of the container carriers, both on the revenu...
How Important is the Growing Size of Container Vessels?
About 90% of the world's commodities are carried by the international shipping industry, annually. Liner shippin...
The Port of the Future: Smart. Autonomous. Integrated
Trends 2019: The six challenges facing SmartPorts according to CIOs at large internatio...
Ports of the world are crucial nodes in supply chain networks as they manage transshipments of goods. Contempor...
Smart ports as lighthouse nodes of supply chain networks
La industria portuaria está bajo estrés: presenta incertidumbres importantes, cambios tectónicos en su funcionam...
Reflexiones sobre el futuro de los puertos: del estrés actual al cambio y la innovación...
As the drive to improve environmental performance at container terminals continues to gather pace, operators are...
Smart design and driveline choices help in enhancing rtg ecoefficiency
This paper will look at INFORM's sustainability work across four of the SDGs: No. 4 – Quality Education, No. 5 –...
Sustainability in maritime driving impact through action and AI
The emergence of e-commerce has allowed for new forms of logistics and freight distribution that are starting to...
The emerging port inland logistics of Amazon
En las actividades cotidianas de los puertos de entrada participa una serie de agentes que prestan servicios re...
Cómo lograr puertos más eficientes
With the shipping industry transporting over 80 per cent of world trade, seafarers have continued to demonstrate...
Facilitating crew changes and repatriation of seafarers during the COVID-19 pandemic an...
Modelo de gestión para la integración ciudad-puerto en función a la cadena logística en...
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